The future of start-ups: Living and working together


Some start-ups offer unique perks in order to attract top talent. However, New Jersey residents who prefer to keep their home and work lives separate may want to avoid some start-ups. The new trend is leaning toward office living quarters, which means employees would basically live at their offices. Is this a good idea for companies to promote?

It's an attractive option to many young professionals because they save on rent and have no commute to deal with on a daily basis. Many start-up employees work insane hours -- sometimes all day and most of the night -- so it makes sense to live and work with co-workers.

But is this a practical solution for the majority of start-up employees? What about those with spouses and children? Do most people really want to spend every waking hour with co-workers? What happens when a person quits? It can be an awkward situation.

Many companies offer benefits in order to gain and retain quality workers. However, sometimes benefits and perks -- especially unconventional ones -- can cause legal issues. When co-workers live together, there is no line between work and life. Are these workers paid accordingly? Do they receive overtime pay? Are all the workplace laws being followed?

Another thing to consider is that these workers won't be young forever. What happens when they get older, get married and have kids? It seems like this type of setup won't be convenient in the long term. Those who are interested in working for start-ups should understand the pros and cons and make sure that the culture and atmosphere match their personalities.

Source: Fast Company, " LIVING TOGETHER WORKS FOR STARTUPS. CAN IT WORK FOR FACEBOOK?," Sarah Kessler, Oct. 9, 2013