The economic downturn has made it tough for new business development over
the past couple of years. Small towns have been particularly vulnerable
to the effects of the recession. Any new business venture that creates
jobs is welcome in New Jersey and every other state. Recently, an announcement
out of Missouri, which could see more
new business creation in one of its counties, could be a source of encouragement to
struggling towns throughout the nation.
Bowling Green has been a stop in Missouri along the Avenue of the Saints
that provides travelers a place to eat and refuel their vehicles. A group
of restaurant developers will open their second Saints Avenue café
next spring; they say the success of their first restaurant in Canton
lead to their decision to open another one further south along Highway
61. The developers prefer small town communities rather than big cities
because they like the personal feeling of sitting down with members of
the local community to share a cup of coffee and talk.
Expanding and creating new businesses in smaller communities is an integral
investment for residents. The stimuli new ventures provide to these towns
can often be the necessary catalyst for additional business interests
from other companies. In this case, the city's mayor stated that the
recent construction improvements have provided new opportunities for additional
development in the area and that he expects more in the future.
Although this new business venture is developing in Missouri, entrepreneurs
in New Jersey may take some cheer in the fact that such developers are
looking to invest in towns across the country. It behooves New Jersey
residents interested in business start-ups to gather as much information
as they can about restaurant and other kinds of community developments.
They may also want to find out about government policies designed to attract
investors to the state of New Jersey.
Source: The Connect Tristates, "New business announces plans for Bowling
Green," Jim Whitfield, Nov. 30, 2011