COVID-19 Employment Law Attorneys
We Take on Cases Throughout New Jersey
The COVID-19 outbreak has hit employers particularly hard, forcing those that are able to remain open to adapt and find ways for their employees to functionally operate and keep money coming in so the business can keep serving customers during this national crisis.
Our lawyers at M. Ross & Associates, LLC are committed to using our skills and knowledge of the law to guide employers through this pandemic and help them protect their business interests. We are here to provide you with practical guidance so you know everything that needs to be considered in order to face critical challenges to your business and supply chains.
Call (201) 897-4942 today to discuss your questions about how COVID-19 might impact your employment operation.
Helping Clients Overcome Legal Obstacles
Employers are rightfully concerned about maintaining cash flow during this volatile time, and many are wondering if furloughs and reducing employee work schedules are the right moves to make to save on costs.
Our legal team can discuss your situation and help you find solutions to the following employment law matters:
- Government Relief for Your Business: There are various federal and state loans and grants being made available businesses. What option is best for your business and what requirements are needed? We can guide you on the different government relief packages available and assist with all forms and requirements to help your business with the financial support necessary to weather this crisis.
- Employment Contracts: Do you have contracts with your executive employees? Are you concerned about honoring those commitments given the unanticipated impact of COVID-19? Conversely, what if any impact has COVID-19 had on an employee’s contractual requirements to your business and does this enable you to offset payment commitments?
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